No. 394 is Alive!
Entry ID #: 1291
Created: Mon, Jan 13, 2014 11:59 PM
No. 394 is Alive! He is Highlands Intermediate Robotics Team 394's trophy delivering robot. Watch him as he presents the awards. His drive is made of four omni wheels driven by four 393 motors set to high torque direct drive. He has fake tank treads that are moved by a 296 motor on each side. The omni wheels enable him to move faster across the stage. Each of his two arms are driven by two 393 motors and a turntable. He has an axle for a finger to hold the trophies. A 393 motor and turntable rotate his head, and his eyes are rotated & his eyebrows raised, each by a 269 motor. We are proud to present No. 394!
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user820131 on 01/20/2014
Very cute bot. Nice design.