Vex Game of Cones
Entry ID #: 1344
Created: Sun, Jan 12, 2014 9:08 AM
The Game of Cones is played on a 12'x12' field covered with foam tiles. At the beginning of the match, robots must fit in a 18" inch cube. They may extend during the match. Each match lasts 120 seconds, and begins with a 15 seconds autonomous period. At the end of the autonomous period, the team with the highest score is rewarded with 10 bonus points. At the end of the match, the Alliance with the more robots parked is rewarded with 10 bonus points. Game objects : For the first time in Vex Competition history, teams will be playing with cones.The 30 are 8 inches high with a square base which's edges are 8 inches long. The other game object is the stick. It is a 12 inches long rod with a 0.48 inch diameter. There are 4 red sticks, 4 blue sticks, 2 dark sticks and 2 white sticks. Scoring : (Lets consider, you are Alliance X, which can be blue or red. The opponent Alliance is Y, which is blue if X is red, and red if X is blue.) A cone with a X stick stuck in on the field or on Y's foam goal gives 2 points for the X Alliance A cone on X's foam goal is 2 points for the X Alliance. A cone with X's stick stuck in on X's foam goal gives 4 points to the X Alliance. A cone with a dark stick stuck in is worth nothing. A cone with a bright stick stuck in is worth nothing on the field, and 8 points for the X Alliance if it's on X's Alliance foam goal. A stick is worth 0 points except if it's on X's foam goal and NOT stuck into a cone, in which case it gives 2 points to the X Alliance. A cone with X's spike goal stuck in is worth 10 points for the X Alliance. As seen in the video, robots may use game objects to interact with game objects. But the may not use them to fight the other robots. Suspension to the high cones bars is forbidden.
Quarkity on 01/16/2014
You've covered all the bases for creating a great 3D description of the Game of Cones. Lighting is everything in a 3D program... and you've aced it. The perspective is fantastic. France, you've captivated me. 5/5 -Q