Robotic Direct Driller
Niamh C
Entry ID #: 1392
Created: Sat, Jan 11, 2014 9:15 PM
Having looked at the Autodesk Sustainability workshop, I decided to design a direct drilling robot that will use lightweight materials such as aluminium, use a minimum of components which are designed to reduce maintenance time. This means that the robots’ mechanisms should be simple, light and efficient. Traditional planting methods involve five steps: 1. Ploughing 2. Cultivating/Power Harrowing, 3. Levelling 4. Rolling 5. Seeding This method is destructive to the top soil, wasteful of fuel, resources and time. I wanted to design a robot as an alternative to this process using minimum tillage methods.
The Full 750 word description of the rationale, design process and sustainability of our Robot