The Vexecutives
Entry ID #: 1486
Created: Tue, Jan 13, 2015 4:24 AM
As avid robot designers, the Vexecutives are always looking for ways to teach the VEX community about new and important construction techniques to use when creating robots. In this edition of ?Education for the Robotics Nation? show you the importance of understanding how to incorporate rubber bands into your final robot design. A commonly made error by new VEX students and veterans alike is misjudging the number of rubber bands that should be used, or using no rubber bands at all! No matter what robot design your team has chosen, there is always a way to include rubber bands as a part of your final build. These reasons include using rubber bands for traction, grip strength, and arm tension. We hope you learn as much about rubber bands as we have while you watch this video! Enjoy, and don?t forget your safety goggles! __________________________________________________________________________ All music used was deemed royalty free or purchased by the Vexecutives team. All video footage was taken by members of the Vexecutives team. All ideas are original and were created by the Vexecutives team.