Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Cops and Robbers - Pickpocket


Entry ID #: 1603
Created: Mon, Jan 12, 2015 11:12 PM

A new VEX game called Cops and Robbers - Pickpocket


There is nothing here.

Links / Videos


   TOSS_BOSSES on 01/18/2015

This game sounds really interesting, so it's a shame there aren't any images of how the field looks or anything… In my opinion the one-way gate concept is a really good foundation for a VEX game design, and the rest of the game very different to what most VEX games are like (I mean this in a good way :) ). If you entered again next year, with a similar design and animated graphics showing how the game works, this design could have the potential to do really well :) Good Luck!