Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.



Entry ID #: 1919
Created: Fri, Dec 4, 2015 10:09 AM

This part seves as a low friction attachment. It is built around the VEX Clawbot, for it had an issue with the claw dragging on the arena mat. This was the cause of many frustrations in a timed challenge. the part i have created ataches to the joint of the arm and claw. it has a simple threaded hole as to be easily attached. The smooth rounded surface allows it to drift across the mat with ease. I can not push how vital this part is it dramatically reduces friction and increases the efficiency of the robot.this part was created using th extrude and fillet features in inventor pro. I have learned many things while designing this peace like how to better control the constraints of the fillet command. I feel that this part is very useful and has a majority of uses in any situation in which friction becomes a factor in sucess of the objective. In the end i am proud of the work I have completed and overall impressed by the functionality of Autodesk Inventor Pro.I believe I will continue to use Autodesk Inventor Pro as it is a wonderful program and an important resource in my education. I believe my education in 3-D design will be a great help to my career as I then have the ability to solve problems.

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   puzzler7 on 12/13/2015

Small 2.75" omni-wheels have remarkably low friction sideways, and turn forward/backward just like any other wheel. Combined with grease, bearings, etc., this can effectively replace your part. For the situation you described with a clawbot, a mechanical stop preventing the claw from hitting the mat would reduce the friction of your design, albeit negligible, to zero, and would likely be simpler (screw + standoff near the arm, for example).

   jackisback82497 on 12/07/2015

For starters the black thing in the third and forth picture is just a knead-able eraser which i used to help position the piece for a better view of the part. Second if you are to use a wheel it faces the issue of friction against the axis. It would be unable to move in any more then two directions at any given time.

   puzzler7 on 12/06/2015

This could also easily be done with a mechanical stop, clever programming, grease, a wheel, etc. Why use this part over something else? Also, what's that black thing in the third and fourth picture?