Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Remote LCD screen


Entry ID #: 2046
Created: Sat, Jan 9, 2016 12:06 AM

Team 7983G’s entry for the Make It Real online challenge is a remote LCD screen. The remote LCD screen solves many problems we have noticed with the current LCD screen. The problem is in general during the match the LCD screen is not easily accessible. This led to the creation of our remote LCD screen that would plug into the programming port of the remote. The LCD screen will fit in the space where the VEX logo is currently placed on the remote. The LCD is smaller than the original, but the screen itself is larger and there is one more line available to include more text or values. The screen on the remote would allow the driver to easily read the values of any sensors on the robot, and this could help with accuracy during a match.  

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