Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Motor Output Combiner


Entry ID #: 2492
Created: Tue, Jan 12, 2016 11:38 PM

        Often a mechanism will require more than a single motor to be powered. Combining these motors requires gears, but gearing multiple motors together can take up a lot of space. This decreases the overall efficiency of the robot. This device converts the input of four motors into a central drive shaft, allowing the increase of torque without the expense of as much space. The conservation of size allows for more functions to be performed within the size constraint, leaving more room for a gearbox. This part can be used nearly anywhere when combining motor outputs: drivetrains, flywheels, lifts, object manipulators. The motors screw onto the box, which power 4 12 tooth VEX gears, which power a central axle in the center of the box. The box screws onto a robot with self-tapping holes, the same that are on the VEX linear slides         To create this part, I extruded a rectangle, and cut out the center, to make it a box. I cut holes for the axles, extruded spots for the 12 tooth gears, and cut a lip for the lid to fit on. I then extruded the lid, cut the lip from the lid, cut holes for the axles, and extruded concentric circles for the gears.         From this project, I learned that the designing that happens in my mind doesn't always translate smoothly to aluminum. What works in my head should written down, checked, and adjusted. I will certainly use Inventor in the future as a powerful designing tool for the rest of my VRC career, and after that, as well, in engineering. Being able to not only design accurately and easily, but also to show other what I envision is a very powerful tool in any engineering career.