Yuanling primary schoo Texas Instruments Electronics Online Challenge
Entry ID #: 1970
Created: Sun, Dec 27, 2015 9:44 PM
Yuanling primary schoo Texas Instruments Electronics Online Challenge By searching information and studying old electronic devices, we found that many electronic products use chips of Texas Instruments. Finally, we selected a Panasonic mobile phone GD92. This was the first mobile phone owned by our team member Zhan Yifan's mother after she had a job. Her mother has kept this mobile phone for 15 years. We believe that what her mother wants to retain is not only the mobile phone itself, but also the memories along with it. Through this experiment, we hope to make a better use of this old handset. By taking apart and studying this mobile phone, we found that a HERCROM200 chip from Texas Instruments is used as the CPU of the mobile phone, which is similar to the brain of the mobile phone and is the core of the whole device. By searching for information and having group discussions, we explored the small world inside the mobile phone for the first time. We are amazed to see how these tiny chips integrated onto the PCB make it possible for us to have instantaneous conversations with our friends from thousands of miles away. We hope that we could visit a chip factory one day. Meanwhile, we will strive to learn more knowledge and appreciate the profoundness of this technology as early as possible. Team members: Xinghui Tong Yehui Zhang Bohan Shen Huaitian Bi Jingyuan Lin Yuecheng Li Jiyuan Zhang Xin Guo Yifan Zhan Counselor: Po Hu Zhongqing Zhu Langna Luo Shuqin Ke