Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

VEX Spin Zone


Entry ID #: 2590
Created: Wed, Jan 13, 2016 6:33 AM

VEX Spin Zone is a game that captures physical concepts of rotational kinematics and dynamics.


There is nothing here.

Links / Videos

The game entry for the 2016 VRC Game Design Animation Challenge from 5150.


   TOSS_BOSSES on 01/18/2016

As iconic and as epic the intro to Also Sprach Zarathustra is, personally I still wouldn’t spend a fifth of an animation just using it for the title screen :D. The rest of the animation however, looks good and has a nice quality to the render especially with the soft shadow effects below the spinners. The VEX-style textures on the robots also look good, but it would be better if there was more animation with a demo match to get a better idea of how the game would be played and how points would be counted (I’m guessing there would have to be some sort of electronic counter connected to the spinners rather than having 2 referees staring at the spinners for the duration of the match). I like the concept of the game as I don’t think I’ve seen many designs similar to it, but it is susceptible to being broken with just having a heavy defensive robot parked within the area swept out by the opponents’ spinner which would minimise their score to a maximum of 1. (Btw, kudos for using the cross product on the torque and angular momentum equations, rather than just force x distance :)) Good luck!