Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Motor Bearing Block


Entry ID #: 4027
Created: Wed, Jan 11, 2017 9:46 PM

The Motor Bearing Block By: 1575D Problem: One recurrent issue in our building has been the placement of our bearing blocks and motors. In order to build an efficient subsystem, bearing blocks are needed in order to make the system as frictionless as possible. Due to the implications of mounting a motor on top of bearing blocks and the issues involved with building compact gear boxes, where bearing blocks don’t often fit, we took it into our own hands to develop a solution to this problem.   Design: The purpose of this design is to be able to mount a VEX EDR 393 motor into this innovative motor bearing block so that an axle may pass through the surface the motor it is mounted on without the risk of unnecessary force being applied onto the axle and causing grinding and friction on the axle in the system. This design is highly feasible and can solve plenty of headaches as well as preventing the cutting of a bearing block into a 2 hole bearing block in order to fit space constraints. Mounting: This design is meant to be easily applicable to any design: just slide the motor prongs into the 2 slots on the Motor Bearing Block and tighten it with motor screws like any other motor. The curved feature of the mounting holes in the Motor Bearing Block allow the motor to fasten down the bearing block when the motor itself is tightened. These screws will hold tight and won’t come loose as long as the motor is fastened well. The Motor Bearing Block provides a smart and simple solution to the dilemma of bearing block and motor placement, but also keeps the axle in the system safe from friction and grinding.   Execution: As well as easy mounting potential, there is an availability for simplistic usage. By adding this onto every motor, there will be a decrease in wasted space and an improvement in the efficiency of any robot. By supporting the axle directly out of the motor instead of relying on the motor to hold the axle centered, this will ensure the protection of the motor, axle, and the subsystem as a whole. Alongside solving the recurrent problem of motor and bearing block placement, these additional benefits provided by the Motor Bearing Block will prevent catastrophic match-affecting issues such as warped axles, loose motors, and increased friction.   Findings: Through Autodesk Inventor 2017, we were able to CAD the Motor Bearing Block, by utilizing sketches and extrusions, to have a 3D visual example of the part to display it as a possible solution to teams everywhere that may be having similar issues. Autodesk Inventor 2017 has allowed us to create the part, and it would be a useful tool for other purposes as well, such as 3D printing custom VEX parts if we join VEX U, or in professional careers such as designing subsystems of an aircraft, then assembling each subsystem into a fully finished model of an aircraft. As a competitive robotics team, we are able to use Autodesk Inventor 2017 to create a 3D visual model of our robot so we can plan out what our design looks like before we begin building. We have learned a lot while developing this product, such as important manufacturing techniques of leaving space so that the motor and axle can actually fit inside of the part, as well as going through and implementing the design process into the development of the Motor Bearing Block. We started by brainstorming problems that were troublesome to deal with in VEX, or were limiting factors in the overall design. Space constraints with bearing blocks was the most recurrent and vexing issue, and from there we developed potential solutions to fix this issue, then decided on our most efficient solution and later developed it in Autodesk Inventor 2017.


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   robbin847 on 01/17/2017

Very cool and useful. Love the added ease to something that is essential for robotics.