VEX Ring Loop
Entry ID #: 3309
Created: Tue, Jan 10, 2017 3:39 PM
From the Students: This is an imagination of how the robotics game can be played. In the game we have hoops, tetrahedrons, robots and other objects found useful. The teams are supposed to use their robots to carry and place hoops in the poles(5 points each) and to aswell rotate,carry, and drop the terahedron on the last hoop carried(10points). The time the above activities are carried is considered while making the final grading. From the Sponsors: This game animation was created by Team 99885J, a new VEX Robotics Competition team that is competing online from Jinja, Uganda, Africa for the first time this year. This submission represents their first time creating an animation, developing a game, and publishing a video online. Their efforts as a new team have been made possible by the dedication and commitment that the students have to learning despite the lack of expertise, equipment and minimal opportunity available to them in Uganda. These students persevere. By using video resources and web forums they located online, donated equipment and reaching out to the international robotics community, they have learned beyond their own expectations. They have greatly impressed upon their sponsors and fellow students at Jinja SS that STEM is opportunity, STEM is interesting and STEM is fun! Team 99885J is fueled by passion. This game and animation is all their own original, creative work and is an attempt to capture this passion from their own unique perspective. Here is a description of the game in the words of the J-Robotics game design team and animators: "This is our team's idea of a VEX Robotics game where Robots in the feild are supposed to place hoops into a pole to score five points each. They are also supposed to rotate, carry and drop the tetrahedron for other 10 points. The robots are made out of the VEX parts and can be played and enjoyed on the VRC Field."
Links / Videos
This is an idea of the VEX Robotics game where Robots in the field are supposed to place hoops into a pole to score five points each. They are also supposed to rotate, carry and drop the tetrahedron for another 10 points. Note that the robots are made out of the VEX parts and can be played and enjoyed on a VEX field.