Vortex 918A Online Challenge
Entry ID #: 2996
Created: Thu, Jan 5, 2017 6:45 PM
We are Vortex, 918A, and we are a team of eight 8th graders working together to achieve a mission. This is a video about us highlighting our team with our process and the love of VEX. Also, in this video it shows you how we promote VEX and STEM, not only to the commnity, but to the world. I hope you like the video, thank you for watching. We are Vortex.
Links / Videos
We are Vortex, 918A, and we are a team of eight 8th graders working together to achieve a mission. We made this video highlighting our team with our processes and our love for VEX, plus STEM. Also, to show how we promote VEX and our team. This is our 2017 online challenge, I hope you enjoy. By: Aliyah J., Nathan A., Colton W., Francisco G., Joseph B., Melody J., Lyric D., and Elijah P.