A Helping Hand
Entry ID #: 3007
Created: Fri, Jan 6, 2017 10:54 AM
This "robot" would be a series of sensors and screens that could be intigrated into a home to help a stubborn Alzheimer's patient continue to live in the home. This robot would be set up for daily life so it would start up with a bump swith or pressure pad under the bed so once the person gets out of bed they would have a reminder to take medications. The medications would be kept in a dispencer and would trigger every morning and night for the times of each medication. When the medication runs low the machine would send out a signal to the pharmacy and the family of the patient could pick the medication up. The system would also have signs directing the indiidual to all the rooms in the house. This would continue to follow this individual throughout the day and have sensors if the resident would leave the home and send out a text to family members and local authority that could help return that person to their residence. This would be sensors on the doors that exit the property but not the backyard where that area could be sealed off from the street for daily use. This would be very benificial by saving the family money becuse they would not need long term care be it at the residence or in an assisted living facility. Description- The robot has two motors and one senor. One motor runs the wheel that picks up the pills individually. And the other motor runs a shaker that moves pills down the track to a cup on the outside of the hard case. The sensor is a light sensor that looks at the pills running down the track before the wheel and will send out a message to the pharmacy to refil the prescription and send a message to the family to notify them to pick it up. The robot also contains various scrap metal and a few nuts and bolt. Final remarks Not priscription medications were handled in the making of this porject. Although A few Tic Tacs may have lost their life.
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This video is about the pill dispencing. The actual robot for residential use would have a hard cover that could be locked and there would be multiple of these for each medication the resident took. One rotation would be one pill. This could be programmed to the users needs whether the medication is every 3 hours or once a week. The pill dispencer would be activated by a pressure switch under the residents bed and have a system of lights and reminders to the rooms and to take medication.
This is the final product but would need to be cleaned up for residential use and would need a hard plastic or metal cover that could be locked for protection.