Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Food Bot


Entry ID #: 138
Created: Wed, Mar 3, 2010 4:32 AM

Team 1138 presents a device to help pet owners afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis. It is a robotic pet feeder that is built into a bin that stores the food. At the programmed times, the robot retrieves the food bowl from a magnetic pad, fills it with food and delivers it to the pet. This saves people from having to bend over to retrieve the bowl and lifting heavy pet food bags. Essay by Kimberly Escobar and Morgan Montalvo. Robot design and construction by Austin Puetz, Charles Wile, Thomas Manfredonia and Team 1138 in general. Programming by Nathan Smeltzer. Food bin construction help and design mentoring by Mr. Smeltzer.


This short essay describes rheumatoid arthritis and the many ways it impairs someone's ability to perform everyday tasks like feeding their pet. It also explains the importance of pets to people with health conditions and provides a solution using a Vex Robotics design.

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   Sabertron2467c on 03/07/2010

Sweet robot, good job guys.