A Girl Powered Vex IQ Fairytale
Entry ID #: 3194
Created: Mon, Jan 9, 2017 9:43 PM
A Girl Powered Vex IQ Fairytale Written & Illustrated by Elementary Team 146H Butterflybotics {Huakailani School for Girls] Grades 3-4-5-6 (ages 7-12) Using creative comparisons to well-known fairy tales, A Girl Powered Vex IQ Fairytale tells the Butterflybotic Team’s experiences of designing, programming, driving, and competing in the VEX IQ Robotic program. The team uses vibrant comic book style drawings and captions to tell their story from Add it Up to Crossover! It was another great design process project for the team! Enjoy! 146H Butterflybotics Robotics Team (Kailua, Hawaii) is for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders (ages 7 -12) at Huakailani School for Girls who want to advance and apply their understanding of S.T.E.M. (Science - Technology - Engineering - Math) by designing, building, programming, and operating a robot as part of the Vex IQ Robotics program. 80% of students in Grades 3-4-5-6 at the school are on the robotics team. The school has been participating in the VEX IQ program since 2013 and has attended the State Championships for four years and The VEX IQ World Championship in 2014 and 2015. We are empowering girls through STEM education. Support our girls who are interested in the fields of engineering and robotics. GIRL POWER! You can learn more about our innovative program at www.huakailani.org or visit us on Facebook at Huakailani School for Girls @ https://www.facebook.com/butterflybotics/
Links / Videos
Link to the video on Scribd. Enjoy!
huakailani on 01/18/2017
Special thanks to the former Butterflybotic Team members who have contributed writings and input for the book. Coco Aihara Adia Ainsworth Emily Gilbert Lucy Greenburg S.R. M.R. Once a Butterflybotic Girl, Always a Butterflybotic Girl!comman on 01/11/2017
This is so cute! Amazing job girls.