Looking Inside a Vex Cortex
Entry ID #: 4868
Created: Tue, Jan 9, 2018 5:25 PM
Texas Instruments Online Challenge 2018 By Team 8838E of the Robohawks Below is the device our group dismantled: a regular VEX cortex. We chose to take apart this cortex because it was a readily available broken electronic as all of our team responsibly recycles our electronics in a electronic waste recycler. Also, we chose this electronic because we thought it would be cool to dismantle a computer and this is the closest thing we have. A VEX cortex Using plain old screwdrivers, we opened up the cortex and the inside looks like: I chose to take apart this cortex because it was a readily available broken electronic as all of my team responsibly recycles their electronics in a electronic waste recycler. Also, we chose this electronic because my group thought it would be cool to dismantle a computer and this is the closest thing. In the cortex, there is: a Microprocessor (NXP LPC2458FET180): This is a single chip 16 and 32 bit semiconductor with 512 KB of memory. It can reduce a code’s file size by 30%. A microprocessor runs the code and tells the other parts of the computer circuit what to do. a Microcontroller (ST STM32F103): This microcontroller has 512 KB of memory, can use USB, and can control motors. Microcontrollers are specialized computers that have an input, and they consume less power. a Memory Chip (Cypress CY62157EV30LL-45BVXI): This memory chip adds more SRAM to the cortex. Memory chips help the microcontrollers and microprocessors process operations. The NXP, Cypress, and ST chips an RF Transformer (Texas Instruments AD04): This RF transformer helps keep the power at a lower usage rate. This part is made by Texas Instruments. a Dropout Regulator (Texas Instruments LM2940CT): This dropout regulator, regulates the power to 1 amp. This helps by not frying the chips using electricity. This part is made by Texas Instruments. The Texas Instruments chips From this experience, I learned about what is in a VEX cortex, how the different components inside work together to make the device function correctly, and most importantly, how to use a VEX cortex to maximum efficiency. And of course, I learned how to safely take apart electronics.