D-Link DIR-615 Teardown
Entry ID #: 5063
Created: Tue, Jan 9, 2018 10:07 PM
Our team chose an old router to teardown, specifically, a D-Link DIR-615 revision B2. The reason we chose a router was because we realized that many of us had spare routers lying around, leading us to believe that the technology inside was common and easily produced. When we researched more, we discovered that routers have many of the basic components that all computers have, such as a CPU, RAM, and flash memory. We also thought it would be interesting to research wireless and radio technologies. Unfortunately, in the three routers we attempted to disassemble, none of them had TI parts. However, by scouring the internet for information about this router’s chipset, we were able to find compatible TI parts that, with many adjustments, would make suitable replacements in the chipset. Additionally, we researched some other parts in the router that are not chips, and are thus not made by TI, but serve an integral role nonetheless.