Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

VEX Gap Precision 2018-2019 VEX Robotics Competition Game


Entry ID #: 5549
Created: Wed, Jan 10, 2018 12:45 PM

VEX GAP PRECISION Is a 3D Animated game based on scoring Cylinders and Triangles on 2 posts and in mobile goals. Standard VRC rules apply, such as field dimensions. The game will be played by 2 teams in each alliance, and there will be 2 alliances in the game. This design was meant to be competitive for any participants and can be used in the real world and will not defy any laws of physics. RULES Robot Pinning will result in automatic disqualification. This game will be played by 2 Alliance.(2 red and 2 blue). Foul Play will result in automatic Disqualification. Cylinders must be scored inside the post in order to be counted. Objects not making contact with the scoring posts will not be counted. Robots will be allowed to expand after the beginningn of the match/ This entry was submitted by a group of students who have used their learning experience over the past year and have peaced it together in one video. Although low on budget and having a new school built, this group fulfilled the requirements and worked long nights to surpass expetations. Graphics an realism is what we all try to achieve, and we wish the best of luck for all. We hope you enjoy our Game, thank you! Huge thanks to NoCopyrightSounds for the music!


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Links / Videos

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   EastwoodRobotics on 01/17/2018

We apologize for the inconvenience, Link to Video was malfunctioning. Fixed version is here: