Beauty and the Geeks
Ken Rayment
Entry ID #: 145
Created: Tue, Feb 9, 2010 10:20 PM
From the team that brought you the iPhone / iPod app for Clean Sweep - Beauty and the Geeks!
Links / Videos
smartkid on 02/22/2010
@mcconnellsus: Check the Vex forums...smartkid on 02/11/2010
Great use of post production elements to bring still imagery to life. Also, clear titles with the standard white text, black outline to make distinguishing the titles easier. Music was fitting for the introduction but should have transitioned into action music. That kind of song is a build up that needs to lead into something. Overall the video shows signs of good editing and good storyboarding. Try getting closer video that focuses on certain elements of the action instead of the overall picture. Look into the rule of thirds and the different camera shots. Best of luck, Cody Smith