Free Range Robotics - New Zealand Homeschool Team
Entry ID #: 162
Created: Fri, Mar 5, 2010 4:34 PM
This movie shows how a group of homeschoolers from Auckland, New Zealand competed in the Vex Robotics World Championship and won the World Programming Title, came first in their qualifying games, and third in the driving skills challenge - all in our first year. This is our story.
Links / Videos
flangefrog on 03/18/2010
Thanks for all your comments everybody! If you have any problems voting, email [email protected] and I will get back to you as soon as possible.penguinfrk on 03/09/2010
I love it! Good music choice (very fitting for the excitement of robotics later on). I dont think, content-wise, it's as deep as it could've been, but the quality of the video is undeniable.