254 promotional video
Entry ID #: 169
Created: Fri, Mar 5, 2010 11:42 PM
This is our entry for the vex online team promotion video challenge
Links / Videos
254pride on 03/24/2010
I am glad you enjoyed the video! If you want to watch a much more crisp version of this video in 1080p you can follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=bcpvex&annotation_id=annotation_558287&feature=iv#p/u/0/93mdW8DVd7M or click the blue link at the bottom of the videodiegohuyke on 03/24/2010
Well, first of all I would like to say that even though the overall clarity of footage and titles isn't excellent; the clearly evident coherentness throughout the video makes it a very good video to watch!254pride on 03/17/2010
Somehow it was a total accident :)Rick Tyler on 03/17/2010
I just wonder whether the video came out to 2:54 on purpose or not. :)254pride on 03/07/2010
We hope you enjoy the video and ask that you please watch it before casting your vote and hope everyone will respect all the hard work people put into all the online design challenges.