Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Girl Powered Robotics


Entry ID #: 5012
Created: Tue, Jan 9, 2018 9:12 PM

     When I hear the phrase "Girl Powered" I think of equalization between boys and girls. I think of an equal number of boys and girls. I think of Girls being involved in anything that in the past would only typically by only boys. In my school we really execute this especially in robotics.      On our robotics team there are nearly as many girls as boys. Most of those girls are either builders or programmers. At Johnson, the teachers and staff in general encourage all students to try new things. This includes trying things like building in robotics club. Even though some people are not in the class, they can join the club to learn more about programming, design, building, and many more amazing things. Many announcements are made to promote the club after school if you are not in the class.      In the club there are many students so we are split up into individual teams.. My team members have tried different roles on our team like designing, programing, building, and much more. For example one of my teammates, Angelo, has helped build and is now partially programing. Also our team captain, Melody, designed our robot, and she programs it. Melody also helps solve problems with the robot and helps to build. Through their experiences I feel That I can learn to do different things on our team. I feel that if I can do many things I would more valuable to the team. I will be able to help solve problems and might be able to program if the original programmers are not present.      It is important to know how to do different things and not be ignorant. It is so important to have an open mind when it comes to the design of your robot. If you have diversity of perspective it will help your team overall. You have to consider other people's ideas for your robot design. The person's idea might help your team win a competition. They could have the missing piece to your overall design. If you accept your teammates ideas that may help your relationship with them. This will help you get along better and will help your enhance performance in robotics. This helps the teams overall performance because the team members get along better and your design has a diversity of ideas.      This is a skill you have to obtain out in the real world. You have to have an open minded and consider other people's ideas. This is a skill that my role model Edith Clarke had. She had to learn to accept the ideas of others and communicate with her coworkers in order to do the best work possible for her. Edith Clarke did some amazing things in her life. For example, She studied mathematics and astronomy at Vassar College. Also, she wrote many important papers explaining power distribution and many other things. Edith Clarke was a very important person who did many amazing things and I hope to someday follow in her footsteps.    


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