Girl power in vex/vex IQ
Entry ID #: 5370
Created: Wed, Jan 10, 2018 9:53 AM
Girl Power In VEX/VEX IQ Robotics The VEX/VEX IQ program was installed in many schools a few years ago and there is a slight issue with the ratio of boys to girls in the class. There tend to be more boys than girls in the program and that’s an issue because girls feel challenged to be in the program because boys can be very competitive with girls sometimes because boys tend to feel they need to be the alpha or dominate over others a lot of the time and that isn’t really fair because with less girls in the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) program there isn’t really an equal or almost equal ratio to have both girls and boys to dominate together. It’s not only that boys can be competitive but also anyone can be mean to girls that are in STEAM because they are in a classroom filled with guys so people will tend to label them as tomboys or sometimes even call them ugly because they aren’t like most girls that are girly. Being someone who has personally experienced these issues I understand what most girls feel it’s very overwhelming to girls in the program. But we have learned to stick up for one another as girls and unite to form an all-girls team to enter a robotics competition for the girl power challenge. There are many pros and cons in being in the robotics steam programs one of the pros is that you get to learn how to build a robot and learn there pieces and one of the cons is that there aren’t as many girls in the class but as mentioned earlier that’s okay because working together and working hard us girls in STEAM can accomplish so much more then we already have and one of the accomplishments that have been achieved already is being in the STEAM program. It’s a very selective program and only choses those who do well, and best part of all is that it’ll look good on a college resume in your future. Many things are taught in the STEAM program besides building you get to learn things like: team work, communication, planning, how to construct, how to program and most of all friendship with your teammates. Once you join the program which ever class whom you end up with you will feel at like family once you get to bond and share what you know and brainstorm together to plan out your robot. Another perk about being in robotics as a girl is that you get to explore a whole new subject if you have never done something like this before. Knowing new things is great especially in robotics because you get an opportunity to expand your limits to something you’ve never done before. It’ll also better you in math and science because you will learn a lot about math and science in robotics. Also science and math intertwine with how to build a robot so it’s a win-win for you.