Entry ID #: 6280
Created: Mon, Jan 14, 2019 11:49 PM
When you hear the phrase, Girl Powered, what comes to mind? How is it reflected in your team’s approach to robotics? When i hear this word im thinking strong minded in doing what we need to do as a team. Share how your team has taken initiative to create a more inclusive environment that attracts a diverse group of studends. How we attract group off students is how we all work together as a team and communicate. share how each team member has various roles on the team (everything from designing, to building, programming, strategy, awards, etc.) Explain what you learned through this experience. We all had different jobs to do so could do something then standing around and doing nothing and get in trouble. How do you believe diversity of perspective changes your robot design, your team chemistry, and even your ability to succed? I think we are going to make it bigger and stornger so it could actually lifted up things and drive better. Who is your STEM role model and why? does this person inspire you to have a more inclusive team / program? how? I pick Ana because she has been in my robotics for so long and I've learned so much thing from her this year and she taught me thing that i didn't know in robotics.