Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Stacked Against Us


Entry ID #: 5843
Created: Thu, Jan 10, 2019 12:56 PM

While trying to brainstorm ideas for the title of this VRC challenge, we had many different ideas come to mind, but finding one idea to display the information was hard. After many trials, we came up with the title “Stacked Against Us”. This title not only has a VEX related meaning but also has real-life meaning too. Throughout our team’s VEX career, we have received doubts about having girls on our team. Even with better driving skills, communication capabilities, or better building or design, we still feel as if the odds are stacked against us. In our essay, we portrayed how we have been affected in the VEX community and how we continue to strive to do our best and make the environment better for future engineers. We are girl-powered. 

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