12J Beep Bop Girl Powered Challenge
Entry ID #: 6558
Created: Tue, Jan 15, 2019 11:11 AM
We, Team 12J Beep Bop, are an all-girls robotics team from the Potomac School in Northern Virginia. We have been competing in VEX robotics as a team since 2016. During this time, we have had a surprisingly successful and wildly fun career in our school’s program, competing in the World championships and growing tremendously as a team. However, as an all-girls team we have also seen the challenges associated with being females in the STEM field. Because of this, our team has made it our mission to encourage girls in the STEM field, something that has made more of a difference than any tournament record or score ever could. We hope that our Girl Powered Challenge details not only our own roles and experiences in robotics, but also our work to make both robotics and the STEM field in general a more Girl Powered environment. Enjoy!