Autodesk® Inventor® 2010 Digital Prototyping
Using Autodesk Inventor 2010, design a VEX robot that can do a household chore or activity falling under one of the following categories: necessity, convenience or entertainment. If you don't currently have Autodesk Inventor, you can download a free* version of the software on the Student Education Community at:
- 1st: 2010 Autodesk Inventor VEX Digital Prototyping Award, One VEX Robotics Classroom Lab Kit including the Autodesk VEX Robotics Curriculum, Autodesk Inventor 2010 and Autodesk Logo Merchandise, Automatic Team Qualification for the 2010 VRC World Championship (if part of a registered VRC team)
- 2nd: One VEX Dual Control Starter Bundle, Autodesk Merchandise and Software Product (TBD)
- 3rd: One VEX Protobot Robot Kit, Autodesk Merchandise and Software Product (TBD)
To be considered for the Autodesk Inventor 2010 Digital Prototyping VEX Robotics Online Design Challenge, design a VEX robot in Autodesk Inventor 2010 that can do a household chore or activity falling under one of the following categories: necessity, convenience or entertainment. Requirements
- Include a written description, no more than 500 words long. The written submission should begin with a one or two sentence statement describing the design problem. That should be followed by explaining the purpose of your VEX robot, what it does, how it works and how its function would make it a useful household item. Your written submission should also describe your brainstorming and design process from the beginning of the project in Autodesk Inventor to your final design, and explain what features of Autodesk Inventor 2010 were most helpful in the process for you.
- Design images showing the following categories:
- Completed Design - Four Autodesk Inventor images (Front, Back, Side and Top views).
- Assemblies - Three to four Isometric Autodesk Inventor images that illustrate the key assemblies making up your finished robot design.
- Part Documentation - Three to four Autodesk Inventor images that illustrate the progression of a key significant part of your robot and how you built from sketch to the completed part.
- Brainstorming and Design Process Documentation - Three to four images of drawings that show your design process/storyboard progression.
- Images should be in a format such as PNG, BMP, JPEG, GIF, or PDF.
- The 6 finalists will submit their actual Inventor 2010 files to a special site for the final round of judging - the link will be found on this page at a later date.
- YouTube video (up to 30 seconds long) showing the Autodesk Inventor design/construction of the robot. This could be an animated presentation (such as in Autodesk Inventor Studio) or it could be still shots with narration, captions, or some other means of letting the viewer know what is going on.
- Entries may also show a physically built VEX robot accomplishing the designed function to help show judges and address any concerns that the design is not "realistic or doable", but this is not required to be a finalist. This would be submitted as a second YouTube video.
- This contest is open to students anywhere in the world currently registered in an education institution at the middle school, high school or college/university level.
- Designs submitted in previous VEX Online Challenges are not eligible for submission this year.
- 25 Points: Robot design: Is the design efficient, simple, and elegant? To what degree does the robot address one or all parts of the desired results of the challenge – necessity, convenience, or entertainment? Does work show a high level of knowledge and skill using Autodesk Inventor? Excellence in use of Autodesk Inventor is a key criteria of the submitted design.
- 10 Points: Brainstorming & Design Process Documentation: Do the Autodesk Inventor renderings do a good job of presenting the design?
- 10 Points: Written description of the robot: Judged on clarity, thoroughness and design process
- 10 Points: Overview images: Quality of the isometric images of the front, back, side and top of robot
- 10 Points: Assemblies: Images that illustrate the key assemblies making up your finished robot design
- 10 Points: Part Documentation: images that illustrate the Inventor progression of a key significant part of your robot and how you built from sketch to the completed part
Deadline Information
Current time:
Fri, Feb 14, 2025 9:43 AM CST
Mon, Jan 25, 2010 12:01 AM CST
Sat, Mar 6, 2010 2:00 AM CST
Voting Ends:
Fri, Mar 19, 2010 9:00 PM CDT