Vex Knife Sharpener
Entry ID #: 178
Created: Thu, Mar 4, 2010 7:38 PM
The Automatic Knife Sharpener Inventor: Jacob H, grade 8 The use of this invention is to make knife sharpening easier, quicker, and much safer. It was created to help anyone who uses knives frequently like chefs. Or anyone that is bad at sharpening knives or doesn’t know how to. My knife sharpener works better than a human because my device provides a linear motion instead of a humans jagged arm movement. The Automatic Knife Sharpener consists of the Base, the “Cart” and Arm. The “Cart” consists of the “arm”, the knife, one motor to supply the power, and the pinion gears. The “arm” is where the knife goes and it holds the knife in place when it’s being sharpened. The arm uses clamps to hold the knife down and in place. The knife is a regular knife that has one edge and is not serrated and is up to six inches. The pinion gears are connected to the bottom of the “Cart” these gears connect “Cart” to the gear rack underneath it. The “Cart” is on top of the gear rack. The gear rack is connected to the base. The base is a sturdy platform where everything is connected. The base holds the microprocessor the battery, the antenna, the frame, the gear rack, and the “Cart.” The “Cart” being connected to the gear rack allows an exact back and forth motion that allows the knife to be sharpened perfectly. When a human sharpens a knife the person is not bringing the knife back and forth perfectly, which can cause the knife to be improperly sharpened. But that problem is eliminated and you will always have a perfectly sharpened knife. Moving the joystick on the remote back and forth causes the motor and gears to move the “Cart”. When this motion is happening, the knife is moved across the knife sharpener causing it to be sharpened. After that process is completed, you would remove the clamps that are holding the knife in place in the arm. Then your knife has been placed; sharpened, and removed the knife is done and ready to cut.