Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

VEX Sizzler


Entry ID #: 184
Created: Fri, Mar 5, 2010 3:41 PM

During a New Zealand summer it is a common custom to invite your friends and family for a ‘bring-a-plate’ barbeque. Everyone who is invited will bring a plate of food whether it is meat or sausages to be cooked, or a side dish. This saves the hosts from preparing large amounts of food for everyone, but it does mean the host will still end up standing over the BBQ cooking the meat, unable to join in with the party.


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   AlistairMunro on 03/09/2010

Yeah, you would want to make sure the tray was clean, but then if you left it on it would get pretty hot pretty quickly so I can't really see that bacteria would be a problem...