Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

5S 2018-2019 Promote Award Entry "Mastering Design"


Entry ID #: 5751
Created: Wed, Jan 2, 2019 4:02 PM

"Mastering Design" - 5S Link to Video: Video Description: Team 5S from Ravenna High School has decided to create its first ever entry for the 2018-2019 VRC Promote Award Online Challenge. Our team has always stressed the importance of using an effective design process to overcome challenges faced in robotics within our club. But why stop stressing its importance within our organization? Many teams involved in VEX Robotics don't realize the importance of using a proper engineering design process and how it could benefit them. All of those teams that aren't utilizing an effective design process are missing out on learning how to brainstorm ideas, prototype and sketch designs, and finalize these designs using this important engineering tool. This video demonstrates that using an effective design process to its full potential guarantees success not only in the classroom and competitions but in future careers as well.  Thank you to all the people who helped make this video possible. We really appreciate the time you spent helping us create this project, for making the overall project very enjoyable experience, and for helping us demonstrate the importance of an effective design process.   Credits: 5S Team Members: Abe Schroeder - Director//Editor//Co-Producer//Actor Kooper Schirmer - Videographer//Co-Producer//Actor Special Thanks to: Colby VanWinkle - Videographer//Opponent Robot Driver Kelley Jarzynka - Videographer//Camera Provider    


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Links / Videos

Team 5S's entry for the 2018-2019 VEX Promote Award Online Challenge