Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Ultimate Axle-Plate Interface


Entry ID #: 5781
Created: Mon, Jan 7, 2019 3:27 PM

This part, formerly known as the "fusion" of the shaft collar, lock bar, and bearing flat, is a combination of the best parts of all three of such components. It is now known as the "Ultimate Axle-Plate Interface". As that is its purpose, to allow axles to connect to plates, with the shape, bulk and grips of a bearing flat, the square central hole from the lock bar, and the ability to apply screws from the shaft collar, this device can replace giant gears with one simple part!

Links / Videos

This is a video showing how the part may be used in real life

A Timelapse of the 3D Printing

For the Autodesk Make a Part Challenge 2018-2019A 5-second animation made in inventor studio displaying simulated functionality of the Ultimate Axle-Plate Interface.


   maxstine on 12/17/2019

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