Cube Connector
Entry ID #: 5840
Created: Thu, Jan 10, 2019 9:42 AM
The robot part we created is used for connecting robot pieces and beams together. Our piece is designed to have five peg holes on each side of the cube. It allows connection from all sides. It comes in different sizes but we mostly would use the 1" size. A piece like this is needed because sometimes we had trouble forming 90 degree angles. This problem makes our robot wobbly and not sturdy. We used Autodesk Tinkercad 2018 version. Even though we did not actually print this piece out, we have used Tinkercad in the past to create a robot. We took Tinkercad and 3D printing classes at our local university. We have learned that sometimes larger objects that have multiple pieces are harder to 3D print because the pieces don't fit together. Our cube connector does not have multiple pieces so if we were to print it, we shouldn't have this problem. This piece could also be used to attach things to the side of the robot. It would be an easier mounting piece for license plates. It could also be used to place sensors in hard-to-reach places. This piece is very versatile and would make a good accessory.
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on 01/24/2019