Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Team 254 VEX website


Entry ID #: 6290
Created: Tue, Jan 15, 2019 12:12 AM

This is the official website of Team 254: The Cheesy Poofs, powered by Wordpress. Redesigned by members and mentors of Team 254 in 2012 the website showcases all parts of the team, including our media, FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) and VEX Robotics Competition robots, performance, and awards, blog posts, and much, much more. The VEX section of the website, linked in the online challenge, has been recently updated to feature more information about this season's robots, as well as providing more of an archive for previous team's works. It utilizes an effective combination of PHP backend code and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript frontend design, which are used in addition to Wordpress plugins, Bootstrap, and jQuery, to create consistent cross-browser and mobile experiences. The website is maintained by a variety of students of all different skill sets; our Wordpress plugins allow for content to be created and managed with limited web development experience. Along with the students who maintain the majority of website content, the mentors and student leadership also manage our Amazon EC2 server and MySQL databases. In addition to hosting our main website, the server hosts a multitude of web apps, written in Ruby, PHP, and Golang, that are used for internal functions. In 2018, the Team 254 website received an average of about 6,274 visitors and 38,217 page views per month.


There is nothing here.

Links / Videos

This links to the main VEX page of the website. From here, you can view information about previous seasons of VEX that Team 254 participated in. Furthermore, you can navigate to other parts of the website, and view information about our First Robotics Competition (FRC) team, Outreach, our t-shirt cannon robot Shockwave, and more.