Amador Valley High School VEX Website Challenge
Entry ID #: 6309
Created: Tue, Jan 15, 2019 1:15 AM We are a group of students from Amador Valley High School in Pleasanton, California on the outskirts of Silicon Valley. We created this website at the start of the year to expand our online presence in time for hosting our first VRC at Amador. Since then, our website has been redesigned so that our team members have easy access to resources, other teams can examine our engineering entries, and visitors can receive information about us and our competition hosting. In preparation for the DELL and REC Foundation Robotics Team Website Challenge, we've added more pages about our Advisors, School Programs, Team Members, VRC Info, Photos, Team Updates, and more; we've reached out to our club's past members for their input and photos as well. We hope you enjoy our website! Team 1155A Amador Valley Avengineers
Links / Videos
This is the link to our website; for more information please refer to our main Entry Description.
on 01/22/2019