How has VEX robotics changed my life you may ask? It actually started a couple years before I really got into VEX robotics, or any kind of robotics for that matter. My Uncle Allen was a mentor for Highlands Intermediate, so he ask Miss Okai, the teacher, if I could join when I was of age. So then day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year I was finally old enough to join. At the time the only thing going threw my mind was "no I don't want to go, I just want to stay home". Soon I made some great life long friends, then the first competition came around. After the first tournament was over, coming as finalist, that's when everything changed. I got more involved in VEX robotics then ever before, new ideas started coming to me, and researching became a daily activity. So then after a couple years have passed I am now a captain of a independnat team that just formed this year, opening many opportunities to children and teenagers so hopefully thay experience what I have experience just a couple years ago, and continue what was started for generations to come.